Module One Introduction: Enhancing Your Language

Introduction:  Welcome to Module One of the Slow Flowers Creative Workshop -- Enhance Your Language.

This module will give you the core resources that you will draw from every single time you put your fingers on a computer keyboard or on that tiny touch-pad keyboard on your smart phone.

Lesson One: Once you begin to master flower and plant adjectives, you can more confidently describe what you grow and what you design using beyond-ordinary language that elevates your message. Add wow to your descriptions -- in a proposal, post, journal entry or other written communication.

Lesson Two: Yes, we love the colors of the rainbow -- r-o-y-g-b-i-v -- but the universe of language offers us so many beautiful and more invigorating ways to describe floral color palettes. Ways that make a hue unforgettable. Why say yellow when you can say buttercream? or canary? Why get stuck in the generic word-trap limited to just seven ordinary rainbow words when you can draw from infinite other ways to describe color and enhance and emote a deeper connection with your flowers?

Lesson Three: Beyond color, once you experience how fun it is to write my other favorite literary tools -- simile and metaphor -- you will begin to really love communicating in a new way. Describing a floral recipe in a proposal will be as enticing as walking through a fabric store with thousands of textiles to choose from: prints, stripes and dots to cut and stitch a quilt. See - that's a simile - I compared making a quilt to making a floral arrangement.

Lesson Four: Finally, we will spend a lesson on sensory words. How do we convey a topic or idea that connects the reader with all (or some of) the senses? We know that fragrance is a trigger, but how many ways can we describe scent. We know that texture is super important in the floral world, but what does touch mean to the written word? Sound, taste, imagery -- all our senses can be wooed by the way a writer acknowledges the character of the senses. And we're going to play with this.